
Gulyathnara, the Eldritch God of Thought, is a deity whose influence permeates the minds of mortals, shaping their deepest fears and darkest desires. Gulyathnara's domain is the realm of the mind, where he exercises control over the consciousness of all sentient beings. He resides within the Dreaming Citadel, an enigmatic stronghold in the ethereal realm known as the Lull, where all dreams must pass. It is here that Gulyathnara's power is at its zenith, as he manipulates the thoughts of mortals, subtly guiding or forcibly bending their wills to his own. This specific belief is considered controversial, and among the worshipers of the Celestials, heresy. 

The influence of Gulyathnara is most keenly felt through the practice of psionics, a mental discipline that allows individuals to dominate the minds of others. For millennia, Gulyathnara has been a guiding force for those who seek to harness this power, teaching his followers how to impose their will upon the world through sheer mental prowess. However, the origins of psionics are a matter of intense debate among theological scholars. Some argue that Gulyathnara created psionics as a divine gift to his followers, while others believe that the Psions, an ancient race, stole this knowledge from the god during their incursion into the Lull. Regardless of its origins, psionics remains a potent and feared force, forever linked to the worship of Gulyathnara.

Gulyathnara's role in the Great War between the Eldritch and Celestial Gods was one of profound devastation. During this cataclysmic conflict, Gulyathnara was responsible for the mental subjugation and destruction of thousands of human cities, leaving a legacy of fear and suspicion in his wake. The god's influence over the minds of mortals allowed him to turn entire populations against themselves, leading to mass hysteria and ruin. Even after the war's end, the memory of Gulyathnara's wrath lingered in the collective consciousness of humanity, a reminder of the terrifying power that thought and nightmares could wield.

Worship of Gulyathnara is met with a mixture of fear, reverence, and hostility, particularly in the Earth Realm. In cities like New Oasis, the mere mention of his name is enough to evoke dread. This fear is not without cause, as the god's followers have been known to engage in brutal acts of violence in his name. One such event, the Night Crusade, saw Gulyathnara's cultists embroiled in a bloody turf war with a rival faction, unleashing a powerful mental virus that caused the infected to devolve into a bloody rage. This disease results in the permanent quarantine of an entire city block. Such incidents have cemented Gulyathnara's reputation as a god whose influence is as dangerous as it is pervasive, capable of turning the very minds of his followers into weapons of terror.